Examples for ‘termux-dialog’

Basic Input Box

termux-dialog -t "This is my Title" -i "Enter Info Here"

Yes/No Confirm

termux-dialog confirm -t "CONTINUE" -i "Would you want to continue?"

Multi Select Checkbox

termux-dialog checkbox -t "Which ones would you like?" -v "Option 1,Option 2,This is Option 3"

Number Selector

termux-dialog counter -t "How many?" -r 0,10

Date Selector

termux-dialog date -t "Please Select a Date" 

The following changes the default date if none is selected but it doesn’t change the default date displayed.

termux-dialog date -t "Please Select a Date" -d "04-07-2025"

Radio Select

termux-dialog radio -t "Please Select A Name" -v "John,Jack,Jill" 

Similar to radio, but slides from bottom and instant entry on select.

termux-dialog sheet -t "Please Select A Name" -v "John,Jack,Jill" 
termux-dialog spinner -t "Please Select A Name" -v "John,Jack,Jill" 

More Advanced Input Boxes

Password Entry

termux-dialog -t "Password Needed" -i "Enter Password" -p

Multi Line Input Box

termux-dialog -t "This is my Title" -i "Enter Info Here" -m

Number Entry

termux-dialog -t "How Old Are You" -i "Enter Age Here" -n

Time Entry

termux-dialog time -t "Select A Time