Introductory Event of KDE Network, Nepal

and Celebration of KDE Plasma 6 Megarelease

Date: 2024-02-27
Time: PM 2:00 - PM 5:00 (UTC+05:45)
Place: [(Archi Courtyard) Purwanchal Campus, Dharan](,87.2897937,17z/data=!4m9!1m2!2m1!1spurwanchal+campus!3m5!1s0x39ef410032b039a9:0x32dfa2fd5f40f10f!8m2!3d26.7919649!4d87.29369!16s%2Fg%2F11vst79zxr?entry=ttu

Spandan Guragain (
Kendra Pokhrel
Suraj Bhattarai


Introduction to Linux and FOSS with the help of KDE software and announcement of the formation of KDE Network Nepal. How and why to contribute to open source? What is KDE, and where can you find the KDE Software? And some trivia on KDE.

How and Why?

After knowing about the KDE Network and a way to contribute to KDE as a Student. I had proposed an idea of a KDE Network for Nepal to represent KDE in Nepal to my friends and simultaneously to the KDE Promo team. Due to the support of KDE Promo team especially @aniqakhokhar and @paulb, I along with my fellow FOSS geek friends decided to Introduce the Network from an Introductory event along with KDE 6 Megarelease celebration.

Who were there?

Primarily the freshers of bachelor in Computer Engineering and Electronics Communication and Information Engineering with the CS50xNepal team, along with some students from sophomore and junior year.

What did we do?

We discussed on the following topics:

  1. FOSS, Open Source and how it functions
  2. Linux and It’s Parts
  3. KDE Plasma and KDE Software
  4. KDE Community and KDE Network, Nepal


  1. Played Trivia Quiz on KDE
  2. Students shared their prior experiences with FOSS.
  3. Had Fun



open_source.odp This was the presentation presented by Justin Flory (Community Architect, Fedora) on GNOME.Asia, Kathmandu introducing everyone to Open Source.


Some Photos (Google Photos)